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大约 96 条结果。搜索TensorFlow 用时0.01秒

  • 01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp41.36MB
  • 01 Introduction/002 Course Overview -- PLEASE DON'T SKIP THIS LECTURE! Thanks _).mp41.36MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 7年前 文件大小: 1.36 GB 资源热度:174

  • Tensorflow 1 why .mp4860.39MB
  • Tensorflow 3 例子1.mp4860.39MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 7年前 文件大小: 860.39 MB 资源热度:468

  • 1.1-The course Overview - Building Machine Learning Systems with TensorFlow [Video].mp4493.81MB
  • 1.2-TensorFlows Main Data Structure – Tensors - Building Machine Learning Systems with TensorFlow [Video].mp4493.81MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 7年前 文件大小: 493.81 MB 资源热度:154

  • 01 Outline the MNIST dataset and Linear Logistic Regression Benchmark/001 Outline - what did you learn previously and what will you learn in this course.mp4490.85MB
  • 01 Outline the MNIST dataset and Linear Logistic Regression Benchmark/002 Where does this course fit into your deep learning studies.mp4490.85MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 7年前 文件大小: 490.85 MB 资源热度:231

  • 1.1-The Course Overview - Machine Learning with TensorFlow [Video].mp4185.88MB
  • 1.2-Introducing Deep Learning - Machine Learning with TensorFlow [Video].mp4185.88MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 7年前 文件大小: 185.88 MB 资源热度:209

  • 01-The Course Overview.mp4428.98MB
  • 02-Installing TensorFlow.mp4428.98MB
  • 视频 收录时间: 7年前 文件大小: 428.98 MB 资源热度:133
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