31 - OLD CONTENT Authentication/010 Retrieving the currently authenticated user.mp423.87MB
31 - OLD CONTENT Authentication/011 Protecting routes (requiring authentication).mp415.92MB
31 - OLD CONTENT Authentication/012 Testing routes that require authentication.mp440.81MB
32 - OLD CONTENT Database Seeding/001 Refreshing database, database foreign keys and existing data.mp486.56MB
32 - OLD CONTENT Database Seeding/002 Problem SQLite test database NOT NULL problem.mp49.54MB
32 - OLD CONTENT Database Seeding/003 Database seeding basics.mp420.38MB
32 - OLD CONTENT Database Seeding/004 Using Model Factory inside Seeder.mp443.04MB
32 - OLD CONTENT Database Seeding/005 Model relations inside seeder.mp458.85MB
32 - OLD CONTENT Database Seeding/006 Individual seeder classes.mp449.35MB
32 - OLD CONTENT Database Seeding/007 Making seeder interactive.mp472.81MB
33 - OLD CONTENT Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/001 Deleting related model using model events.mp432.73MB
33 - OLD CONTENT Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/002 Deleting related models using cascading.mp430.54MB
33 - OLD CONTENT Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/003 Soft deletes.mp430.51MB
33 - OLD CONTENT Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/004 Soft deletes querying.mp428.19MB
33 - OLD CONTENT Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/005 Restoring soft deleted model.mp475.32MB
33 - OLD CONTENT Deleting Models and Soft Deletes/006 Testing soft deleted models.mp411.49MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/001 Authorization introduction.mp423.92MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/002 Introduction to Gates.mp431.97MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/003 Using authorize() helper.mp49.87MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/004 Verifying permissions of the user.mp412.28MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/005 Admin users and overriding permissions.mp470.89MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/006 Policies introduction.mp447.13MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/007 Policy or Gate.mp451.18MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/008 Verifying permissions in Blade templates.mp436.71MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/009 Using middleware to authorize routes.mp451.21MB
34 - OLD CONTENT Authorization, Policies, Gates/010 Application updating tests.mp428.61MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/001 Application setting user_id for the new BlogPost.mp413.77MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/002 Global Query Scopes introduction.mp427.98MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/003 Global Query Scopes and potential issues.mp465.54MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/004 Local Query Scopes introduction.mp457.23MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/005 Practical Local Query Scope - most commented posts.mp457.65MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/006 Practical Local Query Scope - most active users.mp451.3MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/007 Practical Local Query Scope - most active users last month.mp444.54MB
35 - OLD CONTENT Query Scopes - Local & Global/008 Practical Global Query Scope - admin can see deleted posts.mp4109.06MB
36 - OLD CONTENT Laravel Blade Components/001 Blade Components introduction.mp435.04MB
36 - OLD CONTENT Laravel Blade Components/002 Component aliases.mp414.57MB
36 - OLD CONTENT Laravel Blade Components/003 Conditional rendering in Component.mp437.55MB
36 - OLD CONTENT Laravel Blade Components/004 Practical creating reusable component for dates.mp432.1MB
36 - OLD CONTENT Laravel Blade Components/005 Complicated example of conditional rendering.mp466.72MB
36 - OLD CONTENT Laravel Blade Components/006 Application Fixing an issue with HAVING clause.mp49.68MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/001 Caching introduction.mp424.65MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/002 Laravel Debugbar.mp486.34MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/003 Storing data in cache.mp468.11MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/004 Removing from cache.mp425.43MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/005 Cache facade.mp44.81MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/006 Practical using cache as storage.mp416.01MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/007 Practical using cache for storage implementation.mp448.87MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/008 Using and setting up Redis as cache storage.mp438.5MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/009 Cache tags introduction.mp410.25MB
37 - OLD CONTENT Caching/010 Practical using cache tags.mp459.21MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/001 ManyToMany introduction.mp45.89MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/002 ManyToMany migration.mp436.02MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/003 Defining ManyToMany on models.mp423.19MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/004 Associating models in ManyToMany.mp431.43MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/005 Querying the ManyToMany relation and Pivot tables.mp434.83MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/006 Practical displaying the list of tags using Blade component.mp441.1MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/007 Practical list of blog posts by tag.mp439.17MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/008 Blade View Composers.mp452.12MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/009 View Composer with @include.mp433.96MB
38 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Eloquent Relations/010 ManyToMany seeding.mp477.96MB
39 - OLD CONTENT Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/001 Practical User to Comment OneToMany relation and migration.mp444.17MB
39 - OLD CONTENT Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/002 Practical comments form and reusable errors component.mp431.5MB
39 - OLD CONTENT Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/003 Route Model Binding.mp455.3MB
39 - OLD CONTENT Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/004 Eager loading nested relationships.mp447.68MB
39 - OLD CONTENT Wrap Up #1 (Reusable Components, Query Scopes, Route Model Binding)/005 Converting repeating queries to query scopes.mp415.58MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/001 File Storage introduction.mp427.17MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/002 File upload form.mp46.42MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/003 Handling file uploads.mp437.57MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/004 Using Storage facade to store files.mp475.77MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/005 Getting the URL of stored file.mp461.29MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/006 Practical Image model, OneToOne relation and migrations.mp444.3MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/007 Uploaded image URL.mp440.51MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/008 Practical Displaying uploaded image and styling.mp432.78MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/009 Deleting files.mp430.35MB
40 - OLD CONTENT File Storage and Uploading/010 Validating uploaded files (size, type, dimensions).mp436.05MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/001 Section intrduction.mp45.14MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/002 Practical Scaffolding UserController and UserPolicy, using authorizeResource.mp436.37MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/003 Practical Views for showingediting user profile.mp465.27MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/004 OneToOne Polymorphic explained.mp410.94MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/005 OneToOne Polymorphic migration.mp427.15MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/006 OneToOne Polymorphic defining relation.mp47.54MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/007 OneToOne Polymorphic associating.mp423.13MB
41 - OLD CONTENT One to One Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/008 Practical OneToOne Polymorphic with BlogPost and Image.mp449.28MB
42 - OLD CONTENT One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/001 OneToMany Polymorphic explained.mp46.69MB
42 - OLD CONTENT One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/002 OneToMany Polymorphic migration & relation.mp421.8MB
42 - OLD CONTENT One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/003 OneToMany Polymorphic associating.mp434.35MB
42 - OLD CONTENT One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/004 Practical OneToMany Polymorphic views.mp479.82MB
42 - OLD CONTENT One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/005 Practical Running tests on MySQL database.mp448.32MB
42 - OLD CONTENT One to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/006 OneToMany Polymorphic seeder.mp435.81MB
43 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/001 ManyToMany Polymorphic explained.mp431MB
43 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/002 ManyToMany Polymorphic migration.mp468.01MB
43 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/003 ManyToMany Polymorphic relations.mp422.26MB
43 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/004 Understanding model Traits.mp412.66MB
43 - OLD CONTENT Many to Many Polymorphic Eloquent Relation/005 Creating Taggable model trait.mp4103.34MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/001 Development setup for sending emails.mp422.58MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/002 The Mailable class explained.mp424.65MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/003 Rendering e-mail content and e-mail sending.mp440.06MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/004 Attaching files & data to e-mails.mp436.65MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/005 Embedding an image inside the e-mail.mp433.48MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/006 Markdown Mailable classes explained.mp413.13MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/007 Creating the Markdown Mailable class.mp431.86MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/008 Custom Markdown e-mail component and styling.mp436.12MB
44 - OLD CONTENT Sending Emails/009 Rendering e-mail previews in browser.mp48.53MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/001 Queues and background processing introduction.mp424.47MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/002 Configuring queues, creating and running the first job.mp430.39MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/003 Optional e-mail queuing and execution delay.mp426.47MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/004 Dealing with failed jobs.mp455.06MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/005 Creating and dispatching custom jobs.mp416.72MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/006 Implementing custom job that dispatches other jobs.mp458.1MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/007 Rate Limiting queues.mp493.67MB
45 - OLD CONTENT Queues and Background Processing/008 Named queues and prioritizing.mp439.3MB
46 - OLD CONTENT Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/001 Model Observers.mp477.67MB
46 - OLD CONTENT Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/002 Events and Listeners.mp450.83MB
46 - OLD CONTENT Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/003 Practical Custom Event and Listener.mp455.67MB
46 - OLD CONTENT Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/004 Second example of Event and Listener.mp451.71MB
46 - OLD CONTENT Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/005 Logging basics in Laravel.mp420.61MB
46 - OLD CONTENT Observers, Events, Listeners, Subscribers/006 Handling built-in Laravel events with Subscriber.mp443.07MB
47 - OLD CONTENT Localization (Translations)/001 Localization introduction and demo.mp411.67MB
47 - OLD CONTENT Localization (Translations)/002 Configuring locale and translation overview.mp433.58MB