1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/1 - Design DB schema and generate SQL code with dbdiagramio.mp491.28MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/10 - How to avoid deadlock in DB transaction Queries order matters.mp4122.24MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/11 - Deeply understand transaction isolation levels read phenomena.mp4253.37MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/12 - Setup Github Actions for Golang Postgres to run automated tests.mp4183.41MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/2 - Setup development environment on Windows WSL2 Go VSCode Docker Make Sqlc.mp478.89MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/3 - Setup development environment on MacOS Install Go and Visual Studio Code.mp498.43MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/4 - Use Docker Postgres TablePlus to create DB schema.mp4244.68MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/5 - How to write run database migration in Golang.mp451.39MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/6 - Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql gorm sqlx sqlc.mp4207.72MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/7 - Write unit tests for database CRUD with random data in Golang.mp4100MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/8 - A clean way to implement database transaction in Golang.mp472.73MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/9 - DB transaction lock How to handle deadlock in Golang.mp4189.79MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/13 - Implement RESTful HTTP API in Go using Gin.mp4130.65MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/14 - Load config from file environment variables in Go with Viper.mp476.21MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/15 - Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100 coverage.mp4262.96MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/16 - Implement transfer money API with a custom params validator.mp4154.85MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/17 - Add users table with unique foreign key constraints in PostgreSQL.mp475.69MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/18 - How to handle DB errors in Golang correctly.mp4117.04MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/19 - How to securely store passwords Hash password in Go with Bcrypt.mp4103.19MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/20 - How to write stronger unit tests with a custom gomock matcher.mp476.54MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/21 - Why PASETO is better than JWT for tokenbased authentication.mp455.98MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/22 - How to create and verify JWT PASETO token in Golang.mp4300.26MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/23 - Implement login user API that returns PASETO or JWT access token in Go.mp499.71MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/24 - Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using Gin.mp4274.57MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/25 - How to build a small Golang Docker image with a multistage Dockerfile.mp4116.31MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/26 - How to use docker network to connect 2 standalone containers.mp439.52MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/27 - How to write dockercompose file and control service startup orders.mp4161.02MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/28 - How to create a freetier AWS account.mp459.73MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/29 - Auto build push docker image to AWS ECR with Github Actions.mp4209.64MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/30 - How to create a production database on AWS RDS.mp437.06MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/31 - Store retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager.mp4307.06MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/32 - Kubernetes architecture How to create an EKS cluster on AWS.mp4159.91MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/33 - How to use kubectl k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4212.43MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/34 - How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4251.6MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/35 - Register a domain set up Arecord using Route53.mp450.13MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/36 - How to use Ingress to route traffics to different services in Kubernetes.mp491.33MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/37 - Auto issue renew TLS certificates with certmanager and Lets Encrypt.mp4194.28MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/38 - Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with Github Action.mp4189.08MB
4 - Advanced Backend Topics Sessions gRPC/39 - How to manage user session with refresh token.mp4154.75MB
4 - Advanced Backend Topics Sessions gRPC/40 - Generate DB documentation page and schema SQL dump from DBML.mp4104.27MB